ESI2014 | Programme | Commite and Speakers | Venue | Participants | Registration

Participants list

Speaker Info

Audio/Visual equipment

Lectures of invited speakers and contributions of participants will be given in the “Sala de Juntes”, Faculty of Law and Economics. The room is equipped with a desktop PC connected to a LCD projector. The computers contain up-to-date software for the main presentation formats (PowerPoint, MS Office, PDF, Postscript) and have USB connections for memory cards. You can either use your laptop or transfer your presentation onto the desktop. Overhead transparency projectors will be provided as needed. The day after the session begins, all presenters should set up and test their presentation and the connection with the LCD projector.

Speaker information for participants

Time your presentation to fit the allotted time (55 minutes including discussion and questions), allowing time for questions and audience participation. Feel free to bring along copies of your paper to distribute or to provide a handout with related information