Post-doctoral grant

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Post-doctoral grantis offered at University of Minho (Portugal). For more information visit:

Be aware of the application Deadline is soon 14/02/2023 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)

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Tenure Track Assistant Professor in »Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture Systems«

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We are looking for candidates who have demonstrated initial scientific achievements and the capacity
for independent research at the highest international level. A university degree and an outstanding doc-
toral degree or equivalent scientific qualification, as well as pedagogical aptitude and the ability to teach
in English, are prerequisites. Substantial research experience abroad is expected and full commitment
to do interdisciplinary research mandatory (please see for further

Please submit your application no later than February 6th, 2022 to the Dean of the TUM School of
Management, Prof. Dr. Gunther Friedl, via Alternatively you may
email your application to

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Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - in Industrial Engineering

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This call is aimed at filling one full-time faculty position for the School of Engineering at Catholic University of the North (Chile) in the field of Industrial Engineering.

SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS TO: patricio.ramirez [Email address: patricio.ramirez #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ]
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Monday, April 23, 2018, 6:00 p.m. (Chilean Time)

The University reserves the right to declare this contest void without explanation of cause.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Assistant Professor position in Operations Research and Logistics

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There is an opening for an Assistant Professor in our Operations Research and Logistics group at Wageningen University. If you are interested follow the link:

Feel free to get in touch with Renzo Akkerman (sender of the information).

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Tenure Track for Associate/Assistant Professor in OR at Aalto University

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We have an open tenure track position for Associate or Assistant Professor in Operations Research at Aalto University, as described in the two attachments and the following link:

The deadline for applications is February 19, 2017. Read the rest of this entry »

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