EURO XXVI conference:stream OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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Dear ORAFM members,

You are invited to submit a paper for the stream OR in Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries for the EURO XXVI.

To submit a paper in our stream, please visit
and log in with your username and password. Later on, make use of the code:
a641197d for papers realted with OR in Agriculture
a8a9b572 for papers realted with OR in Forestry
4acd0284 for papers realted with OR in Fisheries

Notice that it is also possible you organise a stream. If you have three
or four colleagues interested in a similar topic falling into the scope of
the stream. If so, don’t hesitate to contact with us and get an specific
code. Otherwise, you should use the general codes provided above.

Sincerely yours,
Victor Albornoz and Lluis M. Plà

Filed under Call for papers, Conference

Cfp - Variable neighborhood search

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Journal of Global Optimization - Special issue on Variable neighborhood search.

Guest Editors: Emilio Carrizosa (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain); Pierre Hansen (GERAD and École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Canada); José A. Moreno (Universidad de la Laguna, Spain).

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Filed under Call for papers

Cfp - Rich and Real-Life Vehicle Routing Problems

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Journal of Advanced Operations Management - Special issue on Rich adn Real-Life Vehicle Routing Problems

Guest Editors: Angel A. Juan, Javier Faulin, Scott E. Grasman, Kannan Govindan

Vehicle routing problems (VRPs) have been extensively studied by researchers and practitioners during the last decades. Being complex problems with numerous and relevant potential applications, researchers from the fields of computer science, operations research and industrial engineering have developed very efficient algorithms, both of exact and approximate nature, to deal with different types of VRPs.
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Filed under Call for papers

EURO Summer Institute 2014

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The summer school in Operational Research in Agriculture and Agrifood Industry will be held in Lleida, Spain from July 19th to August 1st 2014.

Aim and Scope

Many real-world-decision-making situations arise from agriculture and derived fresh products, involving part of the agrifood industry. Models and decision support systems to be used in agriculture are often present in OR research projects. Moreover the new perspective of supply chain management is relevant when agriculture production is concentrated in bigger production units involving several farms and/or companies. This evolution seems crucial to reach consumers and benefit of the added value of fresh and organic products among others.

As a consequence of the EURO Summer Institute held in Lleida in 2009, the aim of this ESI is to bring together again the opportunity for young scientists to acquaint themselves with academic experts in OR methods and applications in Agriculture and Forestry, to enter the scientific community, and to share their experience with young colleagues from all over Europe.

Interdisciplinarity is a fact in our topic of interest and decisional problems are increasingly complex and of great incidence in the society (sustainable production, variability preservation, food supply and chain management, vertical integration, transport of goods, climate change and gas emissions…). The intensification of relationships among researchers and interested in Agriculture and agrifood industry is expected to be very fruitful. Researchers share the interest in OR even when their background is in economics, applied mathematics, agricultural or industrial engineering.
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