ASOR 20th National Conference

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Our colleague Andrew Higgins has sent this information:

On behalf of Australian Society for Operations Research (ASOR), I am pleased to invite members and non-members to the ASOR 20th National Conference incorporating the 5th International Intelligent Logistics Systems Conference.  Detail information about the conference can be found at the conference homepage

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EURO 2009 OR in agriculture, forestry & natural resources

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Dear member of the ORAFM working group,

during the EURO 2009 conference in Bonn we are organizing a stream on

OR in agriculture, forestry & natural resources.

We like to invite you to participate in the proposed session and are looking forward receiving your conference papers.

Warm regards and best wishes,

yours sincerely,

Manfred Gronalt (manfred.gronalt [Email address: manfred.gronalt #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ])

Peter Lohmander (peter.lohmander [Email address: peter.lohmander #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ])

Lluis Pla-Aragones (lmpla [Email address: lmpla #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ])

Andres Weintraub (aweintra [Email address: aweintra #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ])

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