“Agriculture Analytics” track at the INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting

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Ag Analytics” track at the upcoming 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Houston is organised by Robin Lougee. Unfortunately, the submissions deadline has past but it might be of interest to our community.  It’s a challenge for the track to get people who aren’t traditional INFORMS members from the larger agriculture analytics community to pay for themselves to attend - but they have got people from CGIAR, Raj Khosla (precision Ag, Colorado State University), and others lined up.

More info at: http://meetings2.informs.org/wordpress/houston2017/

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Optimization under Uncertainty in Sustainable Agriculture and Agrifood Industry

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The purpose of the Workshop is to bring together researchers in the area of optimization under uncertainty and specific areas of application like Sustainable Supply Chains, Agriculture and Agrifood Industry.The Workshop is co-organised and supported by the EURO Working Group on Operations Research in Agriculture and Forest Management (EWGORAFM), the EURO working Group on Stochastic Programming (EWGSP), and the EURO Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains (EWGSSC)

For any further information about the workshop please follow this link www.orafm.org/workshop2015

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CfP 27th EURO Conference Stream OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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Dear Colleagues,
we would like to draw your attention with the stream “OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries”. We invite you to submit your contribution to one of the following sessions (please, make use of the corresponding submission code):

Food and agriculture supply chains submission code: 11e0d50e
OR in Forestry I submission code: cfb947f1
OR in Fisheries submission code: d44175a1
OR in Agriculture I submission code: fc7624ac

Conference information and abstract submission system is available at: http://www.euro2015.org/ and remember that the EURO2015 abstract submission process will close on Monday 16 March 2015.

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Call for participants: ICORD 2014

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The International Conference on OR for Development will again be hosted by IFORS in co-operation with the EWG ORD in the days preceding the IFORS Conference in Barcelona. ICORD 2014 will be held at the University of Lleida in July 10-11.

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Call for invited papers to IFORS 2014-Barcelona (Spain)

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Dear colleague,

As the organizer of the stream Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (area: Emerging applications of Operations Research) for the 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies ( IFORS), which will be held in Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18, 2014, I hereby invite you to submit an abstract of your research in the broad area of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. We are organizing at a minimum the following sessions:

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EURO XXVI conference:stream OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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Dear ORAFM members,

You are invited to submit a paper for the stream OR in Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries for the EURO XXVI.

To submit a paper in our stream, please visit
and log in with your username and password. Later on, make use of the code:
a641197d for papers realted with OR in Agriculture
a8a9b572 for papers realted with OR in Forestry
4acd0284 for papers realted with OR in Fisheries

Notice that it is also possible you organise a stream. If you have three
or four colleagues interested in a similar topic falling into the scope of
the stream. If so, don’t hesitate to contact with us and get an specific
code. Otherwise, you should use the general codes provided above.

Sincerely yours,
Victor Albornoz and Lluis M. Plà

Filed under Call for papers, Conference


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This year the MODSIM conference is titled “SUSTAINING OUR FUTURE:
understanding and living with uncertainty”. Lluis and myself proposed
a session dealing with Agriculture Sustainability in a Changing
Climate (http://www.mssanz.org.au/modsim2011/session_gc.html), and we
would like to encourage you to submit related work to the conference.

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IFORS 2011

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Please be reminded that the early registration deadline is 30th April, 2011.
For registration and further information about the Conference, please visit the
conference webpage: http://www.ifors2011.org

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4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society

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During the “4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research society, University of Guilan , Iran,May 18-19, 2011″, Dr. Soleiman Mohammadi Limaei would like to organize a stream on:


 Operations Research in Natural Resources and Agriculture


Dr. Soleiman Mohammadi Limaei would like to invite all of the ORAFM working group to participate in the proposed session and are looking forward receiving your conference papers.

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CALL FOR PAPERS. 14th SSAFR. Reñaca-Chile, March 8-11, 2011

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The Complex Engineering Systems Institute (ISCI) and the Universidad de Chile, would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the 14th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources, SSAFR, that will be held from March 8th, 2011 until March 11th, 2011 at the Conference Town Center Reñaca, Chile.

Important dates & General information

• Abstract submission: September 30th, 2010
• Abstract length: 500 words
• Acceptance date: October 30th, 2010
• Early Registration: January 31th, 2011
• Symposium: March 8‐11, 2011
• Venue: Conference Town Center, Reñaca, Viña del Mar, Chile
• Abstract submission: ssafr [Email address: ssafr #AT# sistemasdeingenieria.cl - replace #AT# with @ ]
• Website: www.ssafr2011.cl

Filed under Call for papers, Conference