EEPA and EDDA awards 2009

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EEPA Awards 2009: The guidelines of this award can be seen here.

EDDA Awards 2009: The guidelines of this award can be seen here.

Filed under Prize/award

MSSIP prize

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The MSSIP Prize is awarded for an outstanding innovative contribution to Management Science/OR. In 2009, it will be awarded at the EURO 2009 Conference in Bonn (Germany)

The submitted work should consist of a recent paper in which the theoretical result or the practical implementation is explained. The prize is sponsored by SAP AG (12000 Euro).

Submissions in electronic form should be sent before 1 January 2009 to the Chair of the jury:

Jens Clausen
Professor of Operations Research and Chief Analyst.
Technical University of Denmark and DSB S-tog a/s
jc [Email address: jc #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ] and jenclausen [Email address: jenclausen #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ]

Information and guidelines of this prize can be seen here.

Filed under Prize/award
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