Call for invited papers to IFORS 2014-Barcelona (Spain)
October 29th, 2013Dear colleague,
As the organizer of the stream Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (area: Emerging applications of Operations Research) for the 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies ( IFORS), which will be held in Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18, 2014, I hereby invite you to submit an abstract of your research in the broad area of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. We are organizing at a minimum the following sessions:
Agrifood Industry (code 9e28116f)
Ecosystems Services Valuation (code 41096723)
Supply Chain in Agriculture (code f38a6baa)
Sustainable Forest Management (code baf7fe3c)
I would also like to invite you to organize a session. If you are interested in proposing a new session in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, please let me know by email (cmaroto [Email address: cmaroto #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ]) indicating the title of the session and the four papers which it should contain.
Each paper should include the title, the authors and an abstract not exceeding 600 characters and be submitted online. Your presentation will be based on this abstract.
As it is an invited paper, you need the above indicated code to submit your abstract in an invited session using IFORS XX website.
At the conference, you will have a PPT-assisted presentation for about 20 minutes.
Please contact cmaroto [Email address: cmaroto #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ] if you need any additional information regarding this submission.
For more information about the conference, please go to
I look forward to seeing you in Barcelona.
Best regards
Concepción Maroto Álvarez
Professor of Operations Research
Department of Applied Statistics and Operations Research, and Quality
Faculty of Business Administration and Management
Universitat Politècnica de Valencia
C/Camino de Vera s/n
46071- Valencia, Spain
Tfno: 34 96 387 74 92
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