4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society
January 14th, 2011During the “4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research society, University of Guilan , Iran,May 18-19, 2011″, Dr. Soleiman Mohammadi Limaei would like to organize a stream on:
Operations Research in Natural Resources and Agriculture
Dr. Soleiman Mohammadi Limaei would like to invite all of the ORAFM working group to participate in the proposed session and are looking forward receiving your conference papers.
For more information, please visit the conference website: http://research.guilan.ac.ir/or2011/news.php?l=1
In order to submit your paper within this session, please directly submit it to (limaei [Email address: limaei #AT# yahoo.se - replace #AT# with @ ]" target="_blank">limaei [Email address: limaei #AT# yahoo.se - replace #AT# with @ ] or limaei [Email address: limaei #AT# guilan.ac.ir - replace #AT# with @ ]" target="_blank">limaei [Email address: limaei #AT# guilan.ac.ir - replace #AT# with @ ])
Dr. Soleiman Mohammadi Limaei
Stream Organizer, OR in Natural Resources and Agriculture
University of Guilan
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