“Agriculture Analytics” track at the INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting

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Ag Analytics” track at the upcoming 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Houston is organised by Robin Lougee. Unfortunately, the submissions deadline has past but it might be of interest to our community.  It’s a challenge for the track to get people who aren’t traditional INFORMS members from the larger agriculture analytics community to pay for themselves to attend - but they have got people from CGIAR, Raj Khosla (precision Ag, Colorado State University), and others lined up.

More info at: http://meetings2.informs.org/wordpress/houston2017/

Filed under Conference

Assistant Professor position in Operations Research and Logistics

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There is an opening for an Assistant Professor in our Operations Research and Logistics group at Wageningen University. If you are interested follow the link:


Feel free to get in touch with Renzo Akkerman (sender of the information).

Filed under workplace

BigDSSAgro 2017 2nd Call for Papers

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1st International Conference on Agro Big Data and Decision Support Systems in Agriculture September 27-29 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay http://www.bigdssagro.udl.cat/?q=node/75&language=en

The BigDSSAgro conference is devoted to decision support systems in agriculture, which combine models, databases and algorithms to support many real-world decision-making problems.

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Tenure Track for Associate/Assistant Professor in OR at Aalto University

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We have an open tenure track position for Associate or Assistant Professor in Operations Research at Aalto University, as described in the two attachments and the following link: http://www.aalto.fi/en/about/careers/jobs/view/1140/

The deadline for applications is February 19, 2017. Read the rest of this entry »

Filed under workplace

CfP stream on OR in Agriculture (IFORS 2017)

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Dear colleagues,

Concepcion Maroto, as an organizer of the stream OR in Agriculture (Area: OR in Natural Resources) for the 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, which will be held in Quebec, Canada, July 17-21, 2017, is inviting you to submit an abstract of your research in the area of OR in Agriculture,

OR in Agriculture (code 9985bcbf)

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Filed under Call for papers

Last CfP Sustainability and resilience in agri-food supply chains

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Within the International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing Chain (SDM’2016) you are invited to submit a paper into the invited session entitled: Sustainability and resilience in agri-food supply chains.

Notice the following deadlines:

· Submission of papers: 20 November 2015

· Notification of Acceptance: 18 December 2015

· Receipt of publication files: 8 January 2016

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CfP 28th EURO Conference Stream OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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Dear Colleagues,
we would like to draw your attention with our traditional EURO Conference stream “OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries”. We invite you to submit your contribution to one of the following sessions (please, make use of the corresponding submission code):

OR in Forestry  submission code: 9f664a0a
OR in Fisheries submission code: 964239a3
OR in Agriculture  submission code: 62d4f41c

Conference information and abstract submission system is available at: http://www.euro2016.poznan.pl/ and remember that the EURO2016 abstract submission process will close on Tuesday 1 March 2016.

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Syngenta Crop Challenge

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There is a contest with a price of US$ 5,000 that might be of your interest: http://www.ideaconnection.com/syngenta-crop-challenge/

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Optimization under Uncertainty in Sustainable Agriculture and Agrifood Industry

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The purpose of the Workshop is to bring together researchers in the area of optimization under uncertainty and specific areas of application like Sustainable Supply Chains, Agriculture and Agrifood Industry.The Workshop is co-organised and supported by the EURO Working Group on Operations Research in Agriculture and Forest Management (EWGORAFM), the EURO working Group on Stochastic Programming (EWGSP), and the EURO Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains (EWGSSC)

For any further information about the workshop please follow this link www.orafm.org/workshop2015

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Filed under Call for papers, Conference, Events

CfP 27th EURO Conference Stream OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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Dear Colleagues,
we would like to draw your attention with the stream “OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries”. We invite you to submit your contribution to one of the following sessions (please, make use of the corresponding submission code):

Food and agriculture supply chains submission code: 11e0d50e
OR in Forestry I submission code: cfb947f1
OR in Fisheries submission code: d44175a1
OR in Agriculture I submission code: fc7624ac

Conference information and abstract submission system is available at: http://www.euro2015.org/ and remember that the EURO2015 abstract submission process will close on Monday 16 March 2015.

Filed under Call for papers, Conference, Events