Dear Colleagues,

The program committee has decided to extend the deadline for submission to the EURO/INFORMS conference up to March 15, 2013. Please take this opportunity to reactivate your own mailing lists and contacts to attract new people and complete your sessions and streams.

We would like to draw your attention to the stream “OR in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries” where the following sessions can still accept contributions:

* a641197d for papers realted with OR in Agriculture
* a8a9b572 for papers realted with OR in Forestry
* 4acd0284 for papers realted with OR in Fisheries

If you wish to contribute, you still have time and you may enter in the system on the page “Abstract Submission ” and use the session code for assigning your abstract to one of the sessions above.

/*About the conference */
Deadline early registration (and inclusion in the program): April 15, 2013.

The Registration opens on June 30 (Sunday), 4 pm with Welcome Reception from 6 pm to 10 pm in the Campus of Sapienza.

The Conference starts July 1 (Monday) with the Opening Session in the Aula Magna and proceeds with the working sessions up to Thursday morning.

In the evening of July 2 (Tuesday) there will be a social event: Night @Sapienza. The Conference Gala Dinner will be held in the evening of July 3 (Wednesday).

In the late morning of July 4, the Conference ends with the Closing Session in the Aula Magna.
euro2013 [Email address: euro2013 #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ]

Filed under Call for papers