Professorship in Economics of Multifunctional Forest Management Systems

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Dear member of the ORAFM working group,

on behalf of Manfred Gronalt I send you a job offer for a professorship in “Economics of Multifunctional Forest Management Systems” at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna.

Details can be found at:,%202009).pdf

Best regards,

Patrick Hirsch

Filed under Uncategorized

ASOR 20th National Conference

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Our colleague Andrew Higgins has sent this information:

On behalf of Australian Society for Operations Research (ASOR), I am pleased to invite members and non-members to the ASOR 20th National Conference incorporating the 5th International Intelligent Logistics Systems Conference.  Detail information about the conference can be found at the conference homepage

Filed under Conference

EURO 2009 OR in agriculture, forestry & natural resources

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Dear member of the ORAFM working group,

during the EURO 2009 conference in Bonn we are organizing a stream on

OR in agriculture, forestry & natural resources.

We like to invite you to participate in the proposed session and are looking forward receiving your conference papers.

Warm regards and best wishes,

yours sincerely,

Manfred Gronalt (manfred.gronalt [Email address: manfred.gronalt #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ])

Peter Lohmander (peter.lohmander [Email address: peter.lohmander #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ])

Lluis Pla-Aragones (lmpla [Email address: lmpla #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ])

Andres Weintraub (aweintra [Email address: aweintra #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ])

Filed under Conference

Call for chapter proposals: “Decision Support Systems in Agriculture, Food and the Environment: Trends, Applications and Advances”

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The editor of the book “Decision Support Systems in Agriculture, Food and the Environment: Trends, Applications and Advances” (, has send the call for chapter proposals to be circulated among the ORAFM group members.

For further information contact Jason Papathanasiou (jasonp [Email address: jasonp #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ]) at University of Macedonia, Department of Marketing and Operations Management in Greece.


Filed under Call for papers

EURO Summer Institute 2009

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A summer school about OR in Agriculture and Forest Management will be held in Lleida, Spain, July 25th - August 8th 2009

Aims and Scope

Spanning the bridge between optimization theory and primary sector applications (mainly Agriculture and Forestry, but also Fisheries and Natural Resources in general) is one of the big challenges for the operations research community. Stochastic optimization and modern software implementations have become an indispensable resource in engineering sciences and economics. This high demand in interdisciplinary collaboration is, however, not adequately covered in most of the current curricula programs in applied mathematics or (agronomic/forest) engineering.

Aim of this EURO Summer Institute is to bring together young scientists with academic experts on OR methods besides the development of applications for Agriculture, Forestry and related industries of the primary sector. Read the rest of this entry »

Filed under Call for papers, Conference, Events, Minutes, Proceedings

Call for papers - Special Issue Food production and supply chain management

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Journal: OR Spectrum, Submission Deadline: 31 December 2008

Consumers require high quality, safe, healthy and convenient food. Focus shifts to fresh as well as more value-added ready-to-eat products. As a result, the product variety has increased significantly. The food sector shows a number of distinct features such as the susceptibility of agricultural production to environmental impact factors such as the climate, an often rapidly declining quality of the products, production processes which show both continuous and batch characteristics, the generation of by-products and severe food safety and sustainability requirements.
In close cooperation with engineering and the natural sciences, Operations Research can contribute substantially to the decision making for numerous specific problems arising in the food sector. It may also support the current industry efforts of a farm-to-fork integration in food supply chains. The primary objective of this special issue is to reflect the recent developments made in this respect and to examine research issues concerned with the analysis and decision support at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels. Read the rest of this entry »

Filed under Call for papers

EEPA and EDDA awards 2009

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EEPA Awards 2009: The guidelines of this award can be seen here.

EDDA Awards 2009: The guidelines of this award can be seen here.

Filed under Prize/award

MSSIP prize

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The MSSIP Prize is awarded for an outstanding innovative contribution to Management Science/OR. In 2009, it will be awarded at the EURO 2009 Conference in Bonn (Germany)

The submitted work should consist of a recent paper in which the theoretical result or the practical implementation is explained. The prize is sponsored by SAP AG (12000 Euro).

Submissions in electronic form should be sent before 1 January 2009 to the Chair of the jury:

Jens Clausen
Professor of Operations Research and Chief Analyst.
Technical University of Denmark and DSB S-tog a/s
jc [Email address: jc #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ] and jenclausen [Email address: jenclausen #AT# - replace #AT# with @ ]

Information and guidelines of this prize can be seen here.

Filed under Prize/award

OR50 update

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The start of the next meeting of our working group is close. For information about sessions etc. see the OR50 website.

Filed under Conference

New ORAFM website

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As some of you properly noticed a new working group web-site has been set up. All members of ORAFM have been added as subscribers to the site and will receive an email when updates are added to the site.

If you prefer not to receive an email you can change this under your profile -> your subscriptions. Your password can be gained by following the ‘Lost your password?‘ link.

Best regards

ORAFM working board

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